GLAUCOMA which is known as eye pressure, is a disease that causes loss of vision if not treated. Vision loss can be prevented by early detection so, early diagnosis is very important. Early detection can be achieved in the regular examinations of the ophthalmologist. Glaucoma is a disease, suffers a visional loss by damaging the optic nerve as a result of increased intraocular pressure. It is mostly seen those over the age of 40 but can be seen at any age. In most patients the symptoms is not important, so it is difficult to be noticed by the patient. As very little symptoms are seen and is slowly progressive, if regular ophthalmological controls are neglected this disease can be diagnosted in the late period. When diagnosed early, treatment is highly successful. The most common way of treatment is the use of eye drops. Please note this: Neglecting only few drops of drugs in a day can lead to severe vision loss.